Is there a need of having elections? What will it change to vote or not to vote? A section of Kenyans have vowed not to vote in this coming elections,others are undecided whether to vote or not to vote. According to a youth interviewed in local news segment "Monday special"in citizen TV,"voting isn't going to change anything,since the elections aren't going to be credible anyway?" Another woman once told me "hata nkikupigia kura ntafaidika Na nini" Such trends and answers are very worrying especially as young people! The question would be how do we liberate ourselves from all this circus. But do people understand the power their vote holds ? Do they know that we have the power not the leaders? Article one of the Constitution talks of sovereignty of the people and supremecy of the Constitution,and that all the powers in the Constitution belongs to the people of Kenya. If we refuse to vote this elections then we will give a Lee way and a g...