Ever imagined a woman boda boda driver? Well meet this two lovely women from malindi who are passionate about boda bodas. With her Asian hair tied in a pony tail,her tall torso and cute smile which exposes her soft features,wrapped up in abui bui one can hardly believe that she is a boda boda driver. She seemed eager to share her story and couldn't help giggling,(I noticed that she was almost blushing from all the attention. "I started with my father's tuk tuk in 2005,then in 2010 icame to malindi and immediately picked up a boda boda and decided to take the challenge head on!" She continues to say that it was almost a taboo in her family for girls to cycle ,having come from a tough asian/Kikuyu family,her Indian dad didn't buy that idea. Mrs,caroline wanjiku looks at me straight and says "I have two big boys ,am not young! This time am left tongue tied,just gazing. Mrs Anne Natheka narrates almost the same story as caroline,"Am a mothe...