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Showing posts from November, 2018


People say that human beings will always take the easiest road to survive in life but Joyce dama has defied this myth and chose to take a path less traveled by many women and men ,it was out of the waves and chains of patriarchy and traditions that she decided to break loose .When I first meet her she giggles when I call her Mekatilili Jeri ,and we all burst out in big laughter! Joyce Dama is a 30 year old women and land activist who has taken it upon herself to educate and fight for women rights challenging corridors of patriarchy in her own small ways .Having experienced some cultures and traditions in her community that were not favoring women especially in land ownership she decided to champion for the women rights in 2009,where she would constantly educate women on ;the land rights ,seeking to address the land injustice through alternative dispute resolution ADR. her motivation to be in the land and women right struggle is i didn't want other women to experience what i ex...