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People say that human beings will always take the easiest road to survive in life but Joyce dama has defied this myth and chose to take a path less traveled by many women and men ,it was out of the waves and chains of patriarchy and traditions that she decided to break loose .When I first meet her she giggles when I call her Mekatilili Jeri ,and we all burst out in big laughter! Joyce Dama is a 30 year old women and land activist who has taken it upon herself to educate and fight for women rights challenging corridors of patriarchy in her own small ways .Having experienced some cultures and traditions in her community that were not favoring women especially in land ownership she decided to champion for the women rights in 2009,where she would constantly educate women on ;the land rights ,seeking to address the land injustice through alternative dispute resolution ADR. her motivation to be in the land and women right struggle is
i didn't want other women to experience what i experienced
however every struggle have setbacks and her case was not exceptional because she was branded a radical woman especially since she was challenging power,patriarchy and traditions,the procedures for the lands are too long ,being a youth she appeared weak in the yes of the oppressors etc. Miss Joyce dama has quite a number of feathers to her cap ,she spearheaded the women march to Kilimanjaro movement which seeked to address women grievances in the quest for land acquisition wher she was presenting the grievances on behalf of the mwakirunge settlement scheme.
according to her ,the government must address the issue of historical injustices since is the mother of all problems then create awareness on the adjudication process ,national land commission must enact and implement laws and policies that support land,and most importantly they should understand that the issue of land right is also a human right. Miss dama is also a civic educator and the member of Parliament for shanzu at the Mombasa youth assembly . PARTING SHOT ;
young people must learn and understand the laws and land charters and must be willing to champion for this course as well as advocating for good governance and there inclusion as young people in decision making


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